Cindi Silva Poetry

poetry, haiku, prose, writing

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You asked me what I was thinking

Was I dreaming again

You asked me why I sat there

seemingly motionless

You grinned

I dream of rebuilding what I’ve lost

My health, my home, good cheer

I saw the opened drawer today

filled with bras; I felt a tear

I dream of a day when cancer

will be cured

I dream of a day when I will have again

a car, a house, a job; and

hope to live a much longer life

while watching my children living theirs

I dream one day it will be safe again

to send a child to school

I dream of a better future

Right now I dream of a better year

Cindi Silva


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best cancer poetry|

For Cancer Poetry IV …

The Genetics Trumps All Card

when doctors, specialists
review your case and keep telling you
hmmm that’s interesting

what do you do?

when oncologists
laugh and say it’s never good
when a doctor tells you
hmmm that’s interesting

what do you do?

when you keep getting
sent to more genetic testing
and even more genetic counselors
to find the answers to
hmmm that’s interesting

what do you do?

when you like to play cards
and you keep hearing the words
genetics trumps all

what do you do?

I can’t tell you what you should do
but I can tell my plan
get more sleep if you’re sleep deprived
boost your immune system
alkaline as much as possible
juice those raw fruits and vegetables
go for 3 hours of brisk walks a week
more if you’d like to but they don’t improve survival
the past is the past let it go
keep doing the post surgery exercises no matter
how much pain your still in

laugh as much as you can
whenever things don’t go your way laugh harder still
really listen when someone talks to you about
whatever it is that’s important to them
and to the trivial stuff as well

spend time enjoying as much of each day
as possible; no matter how many hmmm
that’s interesting you hear
factor into the genetic studies a
person that practices joy; and if you
like to play cards and win; even if
they find the genetics card
don’t dwell on it

make each day count
look for the beauty it real does surround you
help people whenever you can
no matter how hard someone else
tries to make your day shake it off;
be creative and surround yourself with
people you love; let the ones that drag you down
find someone else to drain

Differentiate between problems that you
can solve; and circumstances beyond
your control; when someone you know
intentionally tries to hurt you like a vindictive ex
tries to leaves you in poverty; don’t walk away from
your share; still fight through a set of attorneys
until you get what you need; if you don’t have the
money to pay the rent keep looking for help and keep the
lines of communication open; learn how to survive
in povertry and turn what you’ve learned
into helping others; keep laughing; keep living

even if genetic trumps all is in your cards
new research happen all the time
new discoveries are made all the time
so just don’t dwell on the negative
what you have no control over
Keep creating Joy and looking for the beauty
in each moment as it unfolds
no need to dwell on anything really
as life is impermanent; keep living; just do it

these three things are most important to remember
1) Joy; create it; and spread it around
2) Never give up; and
3) As long as you’re breathing that’s all that really

Note to the reader: Can this be done easily. Seldom the most important things in life can be done easily. But for me I’m making it my practice whether or not I have the genetic card; I have the family history card … always in my hand … not dwelling on that one either. It’s like playing Old Maid only I don’t want to give itaway. Just enjoy the laughter and keep playing.

Cindi Silva

tags: best| cancer| poetry| blog| books| Cindi Silva| Cindy Silva| amazon| kindle| Cancer Poetry Amazon 

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Amazon| hot new releases| cancer poetry|

This is my second cancer experience. A new and completely different cancer which causes my doctors to say “interesting” and makes me a candidate for much genetic testing and research taking place in Seattle examining a panel of 40 different genes. As I learn more about cancer everyday, I am grateful to be able to share it worldwide through my books.

there are free apps available to read these books if you don’t own a Kindle.
To generate Awareness, and teach what I learn as the info becomes available to me I have written Cancer Poetry and Cancer Poetry II; I’m now working on my third book Cancer Poetry III.
If you have been diagnosed with cancer or love someone who has I share with you my most intimate details of my experience with cancer. My hope is to raise awareness by demystifying cancer. What you understand is less scary. I hope to open the lines of communication between your medical team; give you information to be able to ask questions of your medical team; communicate with family and friends.
These books are also great for the family and friends of someone going through cancer right now.
I give you open, raw detail of what it feels like to go through the experiences; the procedures; as well as what cancer research has discovered about cancer.
I hope my Cancer Poetry series will do all this and help you feel not alone. If you are interested in reading one of my cancer books and can’t afford it  I often post cancer poetry on my facebook page  :
I hope the honesty I share in my books will help to demystify cancer; encourage you to become an advocate for your own health; and open the lines of communication. It’s important to discuss your experience with your family and friends they have no idea what it’s like to go through cancer.  I’m not saying I know what it’s like for you but I do know what it’s like for me and it’s tough every day.I wish you good heallth. Much Love, Cindi
tags: Amazon| hot new releases| cancer poetry| amazon| Kindle| best| breast cancer| breast| cancer| poetry| awareness| month| for the cure| cancer poetry| Cindi Silva| Cindy Silva| Youtube| best| breast| cancer| books|


Cancer Poetry|

Hey Everyone! Please help me sell my book. Later this week I go in for a bilateral mastectomy and adjuvant therapy. I have a long journey ahead. I’m 2 weeks behind on rent right now ($1400) and in two weeks I will owe ($2800) and I don’t want to face an eviction. Downloads are $2.99 and I receive $2.09 from each download. I really need your help. I have no other income or way of generating income. I understand there are apps available including Android and Apple store apps. I don’t like to ask for help, but I think I have to; sometimes there’s no other choice. I would really appreciate it if you could spare $2.99 and buy a copy for yourself or someone you know who has cancer; if you can’t afford it I do understand. Please also share on your walls; twitter; and your blogs the link below for my recently published book Cancer Poetry II. With your help last week I sold 5 copies.If you’ve been reading my poems lately a lot has been going on with me. Sometimes too much for me to process. I’ll know more after the sentinel node is tested to see if the cancer has spread. It’s my second cancer in four years. It has been diagnosed as a new and different cancer which is worrisome and it’s likely that I will be part of genetic research going on in Seattle as I may provide a link to the discovery of identifying a gene that is causing this cancer. I am trying to line things up for me and my family so our lives aren’t interrupted any more than necessary and while doing so more problems keep popping up. More than having a bilateral mastectomy for cancer that has returned, my biggest worry right now is trying to figure out how to make ends meet. I’ve been going through a very contentious divorce for four years it keeps getting uglier. I’m living in poverty and in an extreme financial crisis as a result of it. I may end up with an eviction since I am already behind almost 2 weeks in rent and I won’t be able to look for work for some time. I’m a single parent struggling in all possible ways right now. Raising money by selling my latest book would really help me out a lot. I could really use your support.
$2.99 a down load; I receive 70% of each download

Free Kindle Apps – Read eBooks on your Phone, Tablet, or Computer

You don’t need to own a Kindle to enjoy Kindle books. Just get a free Kindle app for Android, iPad, iPhone, PC, Mac, BlackBerry, or Windows Phone 7.

If I get behind on tags please keep tagging me, I always love hearing from you. Just might not be able to comment for awhile. Please keep us in your thoughts; and keep sending healing energy our way. Peace. Much love, Cindi

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hot| new releases| Cancer Poetry| Cancer Poetry II| Kindle| Cindi Silva|

I’m happy to announce my second book| in the cancer poetry series| Cancer PoetryII| is now released on Kindle|. Cancer Poetry II begins where Cancer Poetry ended. I pick up the end of summer and start of fall where I learn more about the resources available to me as a recent low income family, the treatment options available to me, meet the specialists, and make tough decisions and try to prepare myself for a bilateral mastectomy. A candid journey of a cancer survivor – open, raw, brutally honest. I share with you in detail the feelings that go through the mind of a person recently diagnosed with a new diagnosis of cancer and the second diagnosis in four years. I learn two startling facts that will change the course of treatment this time. The impact the radiation therapy treatments I received last time now affect future treatments I receive, and the possibility I may be a candidate for a gene that is being researched in Seattle, both surprising revelations. A cancer diagnosis is difficult enough for a family to adjust to even more difficult for a family to slide from a lifetime of middle class to poverty. I try to discover options to maintain balance and support for my family as I work hard to figure out how to prevent the possibility of meeting with an eviction upon my return home from a major surgery, a bilateral mastectomy, when I should only be focusing on healing instead. Eviction is a likely possibility if I can’t figure out soon how to generate enough money or access the money held up in attorneys’ trust funds while I further fight the war of the roses. A must read if you or someone you care about is now experiencing cancer. 1 2

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Virtual Reading Room| October 5, 2012| 9:00 PM| CDT|

Please support my good friends and talented mother/daughter writing team Cassidy Webb and Debbie Weaver and join in the virtual reading today, October 5th at 9:00 pm CDT. I’m so excited my book Cancer Poetry will be promoted on today’s show!! Thank you Cassidy and Debbie — Please share the Virtual Reading Room on your wall! Peace ♥ Cindi



tags: best| Virtual Reading Room| blog talk radio| blogtalkradio| shows| WebbWeaver Books| Cindi Silva| Cindy Silva| Cancer Poetry| books| book| reviews|

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Cancer| Poetry| II|



I’ve always subscribed to

Normal is what’s normal to you

I find that comes in very handy

When dealing with things that

Are very uncomfortable and

take some time to adjust to

I’d like to now add

Although normal is what’s normal to you

It can change in a heartbeat

I’ve learned to not just be prepared

be flexible too





tags: best| Cancer Poetry| II| breast| cancer| poetry| Cindi Silva| Cindy Silva| kindle| hot new releases|| occupy| poetry| poets| kindle|

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Cancer Poetry| II|

Who needs ‘em anyway; do you?

Did you know that reconstruction

Is now a federal law

And by that I mean insurance companies

Are required by law to cover reconstruction

After a woman has had a mastectomy

Did you know that even if you are having

A reconstruction after a bilateral mastectomy

Most insurance companies will send you home

After two nights

Even if you’ve had a previous cancer

With radiation that increases risk

More scarring;

Difficulty healing;

Poor blood supply;

possibility of collapsed lung

no worries, I’m told you’ll know because

you’ll have a fever associated with pneumonia

that goes along with it

or other infection

Even when they know you are going to be home alone during the day

And there isn’t another adult to help you out

You will be heavily medicated and have difficulty moving

After having a major surgery; even more major with the reconstruction

Who needs ‘em anyway; do you?

While we’re on the subject of insurance companies

Did you know that an insurance company

Can on a whim decide to stop covering pharmaceuticals

That are proven to work for you; and are a medical necessity

In your health and wellbeing; because they don’t get a good deal on them

Requiring you to pay through the nose for the prescription

If you have money to do so;

Go without if you don’t have money;

Or I suppose there’s a third option if you have some money

Either decide whether you should eat or take your medicine

This is happening a lot and always has

(Dear Reader, these two examples are just small examples of why I say

Occupy Insurance, Now!)

Who needs ‘em anyway; do you?

Unilateral mastectomy is a major surgery;

Then does that make a bilateral mastectomy – what rank is above a major?

Gotta google that one; but for now; I match your major and raise you a major –

And on top of that reconstruction; I can see I need some more googling here;

Anytime you add an implant you are increasing risk of an infection

And complications

Especially if you’ve already had a previous cancer and radiation

Not enough blood supply; difficulty healing right; to name a few

Being over 42 makes healing more difficult

And many mastectomies are done over age 42

Poetry isn’t always pretty; sometimes it’s pretty grim

You okay, Dear Reader?

Decisions are placed before you; an overwhelming amount;

One step at a time; baby steps; right!

Boobies; titties; tatas; breasts

Brings us back to the original question;

Who Needs ‘em Anyway; do you?

Cindi Silva

October 2, 2012

tags: best| Cancer Poetry| II| breast| cancer| poetry| Cindi Silva| Cindy Silva|| occupy| poetry| poets|

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Cancer Poetry| Kindle| – Here’s my first poetry book; Cancer Poetry. The first book in my Cancer Poetry collection. I’m working on the second book in the series. I received an amazing review today from Brand Loyalty| mystery thriller author, F.m. Kahren.

tags: best| Cancer Poetry| books| blogs| Kindle| Cindi Silva| Cindy Silva| breast| cancer| poetry| poems|| Cancer Poetry|| cancer poetry| Cindi Silva books| Cindy Silva books| author| Amazon Cancer Poetry Kindle| hot new releases| best cancer| poetry| Kindle| Amazon| Kindle| Cancer Poetry| hot new releases| best| cancer| poetry|